Sunday, April 26, 2009

102/365 Memories of Childhood

This is my parents house. It is also the only house I ever lived in before I got married. All of my childhood memories are in this house. I cropped it a bit on the right there is a steep driveway there. In the back of the house there is a large backyard and behind that a river. My parents are anxious to sell this house- in a way I hope they do because it will be easier for them but on the other hand this is where I grew up and I like being able to go "home."


  1. Perfect childhood memory! Cute house!

  2. I'm sure it will be hard on everyone to sell the house since it's "home" but I hope that it sells quickly since your parents are anxious to sell it. Very pretty place!

  3. Great choice for the theme. It's hard to let go of places/things that we've known for so long.

  4. Sounds like the ideal place to live - Cpuldn't convince your folks to move, eh.
