Saturday, February 28, 2009

55/365 Frozen Treats

After the Shrek show we went to Applebees and I was sooooo good I got the steak off of the weight watchers menu but the kids and my husband went for the dessert! This was Adam's hot fudge sundae in a shooter glass. I didn't have any! and I made fun of my husband all night because the blondie sundae he ate had 1200 calories in it! I can't believe that the new Applebees menu has calories for everything it really makes you think twice when you order!


  1. Now how did you stick to the weight watcher meal when they were eating these! Kudos to you (and then you take a picture to rub salt into the wound)! Yummmmmmm!!!!

  2. 1200 calories?
    holy. dayfull. of. calories.
    hope it was good. funny story, aka comment takeover, we biked to a dairy queen last summer and i happened upon the calorie chart on the side of the building ... long line ... walked up to my husband and decided i wasn't ordering ANYTHING. nothing was worth it. the chocolate shake had 1800 calories ... or something absurd like that.

  3. and then i didn't even comment on the pic! silly me!
    i love the shot of red on the cherry.

  4. Bet it was tasty! Congrats on staying strong! Hope all restaurants start providing the information, and if/when they do, I think there will be lots of shocked customers!

  5. A terrific photo, cause the real thing wouldn't have lasted long enough to defrost.

  6. 1200 calories? Info overload - I don't really need to know. Really mouth-watering image!

  7. Oh I want one....and I don't even like chocolate! Something about advertising that catches my attention and drives those yummy feelings.

  8. Nice photo. Your willpower is very impressive!! Having the calories on the menus is very helpful.

  9. Don't you love those little shot-glass sized desserts?

    Nice shot (no pun intended...)! Looks like the inside of their menu! :-D
